
Nothing in the diary at the minute.

Musica Antica Rotherhithe present three raucous madrigal comedies by Alessandro Striggio (1535-1592) and Adriano Banchieri (1568-1634): La Caccia (The Chase), Il Cicalamento delle Donne al Buccato (The Gossip of the Women at the Well) and La Pazzia Senile (The Old Codger). Filled with innuendo and satire of sex, class and society at large, these comedies reveal a fascinating, scandalising glimpse of late sixteenth century Italian urban society that, at times, looks no different to our own, as well as being set to brilliant, rarely-heard music.


Our first programme of the 2024 celebrates the airs of Michel Lambert (1610 – 1696) and Marc-Antoine Charpentier (1643-1704), and the music written by their contemporaries for the viol, culminating in a rare performance of Charpentier’s Les Plaisirs de Versailles (The Pleasures of Versailles).


Michel LambertSans murmurer
Vous mepris chaque jour
Ombre de mon amant

Marc-Antoine CharpentierQuel prix de mon amour

Sans frayeur dans ce bois

Le Sieur De MachyPrelude in D minor from Pieces de viole

Marin MaraisPrelude in G major (pieces de viole, livre III) and   
Chaconne in G major (livre v)

Caix d’HerveloisPlainte from pieces de viole

Antoine ForquerayLa Couperin

Marc-Antoine CharpentierLes Plaisirs de Versailles